
Advancing Transportation Safety

Safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Over the last decade thousands of people have lost loved ones on Colorado’s roadways. It’s time to move the needle towards zero.


Fatalities and Serious Injuries Since 2013 - Table

YearFatalitiesSerious Injuries

This graph shows the fatalities and serious injuries that have occurred on Colorado roadways since 2013. Please refer to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for the most accurate fatality data for the state of Colorado. The data source of the data above is the Colorado Department of Transportation crash database. Reference more crash data and transportation safety data information.

What is Advancing Transportation Safety?

Advancing Transportation Safety (ATS) is a statewide collaborative effort led by a team of state and local agencies, advocacy groups, academic institutions and private entities.

The ATS initiative was developed as part of the implementation efforts for the 2020-2023 Strategic Transportation Safety Plan, required by the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and is a natural evolution of the Moving Toward Zero Deaths endeavor that began in 2015. The plan identified the need for a coalition that could advocate for transportation safety with a unified voice and develop a coordinated approach to address key transportation safety issues in Colorado. ATS and its many partners endeavor to make a long-term investment in and commitment to transportation safety across Colorado (Strategy B), to cultivate a robust transportation safety culture and to ultimately reduce fatalities and serious injuries for all users on Colorado roadways.



A round diagram with four sections around the exterior, labeled with the text Safe Roads, Safe People, Safe Driving and Post-Crash Care, respectively. The center of the wheel contains the text Safety Culture.

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Explore Our
Emphasis Areas

Transportation Safety Culture serves as the foundation of the ATS and works to address the root causes of traffic safety issues in Colorado. By cultivating a safety culture that promotes positive social norms, only then can positive change be realized. Key areas that this Emphasis Area will focus on include organizational cultural change, legislation and policy, data management, and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Safe Roads identifies and implements best practices to improve the built environment with leading edge infrastructure and designs that facilitate safe trips for all modes and all roadway users.

Includes trends and tips on:

  • Infrastructure
  • Intersections
  • Roadway Departure
  • Speed Interventions

Safe People focuses on strategies that protect vulnerable roadway users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, young and mature drivers, roadway crews in work zones and first responders.

Includes trends and tips on:

  • Bicycle & Pedestrian
  • Motorcyclists
  • Young Drivers
  • Mature Drivers
  • Work Zones

Safe Driving works to employ strategies that influence safe driver behaviors and addresses key issues such as: impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, speeding and occupant protection (e.g., seatbelt usage or helmet usage).

Includes trends and tips on:

  • Impaired Driving
  • Distracted Driving
  • Aggressive Driving
  • Speeding
  • Occupant Protection

Post-Crash Care addresses strategies that will increase the survivability of crashes through efficient emergency response, improved access to emergency medical care, safe conditions for first responders and improved traffic incident management practices.

Includes trends and tips on:

Interested in learning more about the emphasis areas? 
Email shsp@state.co.us

Our ATS partners are crucial in helping us to implement key ATS initiatives.
Read a list of participating agencies

State Safety Plans

Colorado has developed numerous transportation safety plans to guide decision-making and resource allocation. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is responsible for creating and implementing the strategic goals laid out in these plans. Select the documents below to read CDOT’s recent safety plans. 

Colorado Strategic Transportation Safety Plan

Read the 2020-2023 Colorado Strategic Transportation Safety Plan.

Colorado Highway Safety Application and Plan

Read the Fiscal Year 2022 Colorado Highway Safety Application and Plan.

Colorado Statewide Transportation Plan

Read the Colorado Statewide Transportation Plan, Adopted August 20, 2020.

Colorado Triennial Highway Safety Plan

Read the Colorado Triennial Highway Safety Plan for Federal Fiscal Years 2024-2026.

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Transportation Safety
News & Events

CDOT Traffic Safety News

CDOT Logo. Visit site.

Colorado Department of Transportation news articles about traffic safety events and media campaigns.

Read CDOT Traffic Safety News

CSP Traffic Safety News

CDOT Logo. Visit site.

Colorado State Patrol press releases and blog posts about traffic safety and other CSP topics.

Read CSP Press Releases

Read CSP Blog Posts

Colorado Traffic Safety Summit

The Traffic Safety Summit is an opportunity to bring together law enforcement, engineering, community planning, education, advocacy, emergency response and healthcare professionals to share information and best practices to address critical issues on Colorado’s roadways.

Visit Colorado Traffic Safety Summit

2025 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)


This updated Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) is a collaborative and data-driven effort aimed at making Colorado’s roads safer for everyone. Your involvement and support in this process are crucial as we work together to save lives and prevent injuries.

Learn About the Strategic Highway Safety Plan

Additional Tools & Resources

Safety Portal

Find current safety statistics, read related safety plans, explore data dashboards and learn about our funding programs.

Explore Safety Data 

Get Involved

Contact Us

Sign up for safety newsletters and contact the ATS Planning and Implementation Team!

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